
Monday, 25 July 2016

Kre8-Ink - The Beginning (Review)

2016 has been a good year for the Scottish grime scene and in the last few months we have seen at least a handful of artists and collectives getting their names and music around the mainland uk music scene. Kre8-Ink are one of said collectives consisting of 5 members that are working hard to progress their sound and build buzz for themselves within the UK.

Now i know that a lot of people will be ignorant towards or struggle with the broad Scottish accents on this album but if you spin through the 11 track album you will notice that the flows and content of a great up and coming group are present through out.

One of my personal favorites of the album is "Don't Gimmie All That" which features Scottish artist Ransom FA who in his own right has definitely put on for his country in the last 12 months, another highlight is the final track "Cheznies Spirit" which happens to be produced by our very own KIPGANG member Threxxx Productions from over in the US.

All in all this release put simply is not for everyone, but if you are one of the growing population that loves our genre for what it is and is interested in different areas and the influence they place onto music then i highly recommend you give this album a spin or three!

Check it out and make up your own mind and if you like it make sure that you support the project from the following digital outlets

Music video releases from the tape:

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